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问:水污染论文的英文摘要 (高手帮忙翻译下,急用 在线等)分不多#17
- 答:Water resource shortage and polluting the survival and development that has already threatened our country seriously. The urban area of Baoding is one of the most serious cities of lack of water of the whole country. This text through carrying on investigation of taking a sample to moat river section of Baoding, and carry on the measurement of the key index by relevant measurement methods, judge whether the river is polluted according to the surface water pollution control standard, put forward the corresponding processing measure
- 答:The water resources is short and pollution already threaten seriously our country's survival and development. The Baoding city is one of national most serious water scarcity cities. This article through carries on the sample investigation to the Baoding moat rivers section, and carries on the crucial target with the related measuring technique the survey, refers to the surface water pollution control standard to judge the rivers whether to be polluted, and proposes the corresponding processing measure.
- 答:境污染的各种分类:
按环境要素分 :大气污染、水体污染、土壤污染。
环境污染会给生态系统造成直接的破坏和影响,如沙漠化、森林破坏、也会给生态系统和人类社会造成间接的危害,有时这种间接的环境效应的危害比当时造成的直接危害更大,也更难消除。例如,温室效应、酸雨、和臭氧层破坏就是由大气污染衍生出的环境效应。这 种由环境污染衍生的环境效应具有滞后性,往往在污染发生的当时不易被察觉或预料到,然而一旦发生就表示环境污染已经发展到相当严重的地步。当然,环境污染的最直接、最容易被人所感受的后果是使人类环境的质量下降,影响人类的生活质量、身体健康和生产活动。例如城市的空气污染造成空气污浊,人们的发病率上升等等;水污染使水环境质量恶化,饮用水源的质量普遍下降,威胁人的身体健康,引起胎儿早产或畸形等等。严重的污染事件不仅带来健康问题,也造成社会问题。随着污染的加剧和人们环境意识的提高,由于污染引起 的人群纠纷和冲突逐年增加。
目前在全球范围内都不同程度地出现了环境污染问题,具有全球影响的方面有大气环境污染、海洋污染、城市环境问题等。随着经济和贸易的全球化,环境污染也日益呈现国际化趋势,近年来出现的危险废物越境转移问题就是这方面的突出表现。 - 答:汉斯有本(环境保护前沿)的OA期刊, 你可以看看了解下
本文来源: https://www.lw37.cn/article/2ec8c0e1707dc068542c46f6.html