

  1. 答:Building engineering construction management is the core content of essential all construction enterprises, is the important part of construction technology, construction cost, construction decoration, truth and BridgeEngineering in the construction industry. Project management is the implementation of construction enterprises to achieve prehensive index of the highest price. To correctly assign the construction process of human, material and financial resources, so as to achieve the requirements of stakeholders behavior, so people do their power, turn material resources to good account. This article from three aspects to discuss some key and management of construction site.
    Construction management; construction safety; control and management.
  1. 答:内容亏明辩摘要槐返:Liability for breach of contract in the legal system is an important system in contract law, is the main part of the study, analysis of system of liability for breach of contract of contract law, the understanding of application of a very important legal significance. The article plans bine our country current" contract law" of the relevant provisions on the system of liability for breach of contract, property, liability form, to the principles and basic requirements for the liability exemption rough analysis.
    关键词:违约责任The liability for breach of contract
    责任形态销缺Liability form
    归责原则Principle of imputation
    责任免除Exemption from liability
  1. 答:网上自动在线翻译就很方便了
