问:铁路路基病害论文 摘要翻译成英文(急急急~~~)
- 答:In this paper, railway bedproblems are classified, corresponding causes are analized, problem addressing approaches are presented, and conclude that it is fundamental to understand all types of railway bed problems and how es so that we can detect them accurately and do effective precaution and improvements.
可以的话把后面的发给你 - 答:residual soil underlying engineering properties of soil, and the bad by geography and climate change affects, and because of all the technical level, economic conditions and the construction of the reasons of the mechanical equipment, China's railway roadbed design usually adopts low technical standard, the construction quality often lax, leading to various requirements of railway and e a bed disease wide distribution, management difficult, multiple strong disease, and in recent years with the speed of the train and heavy of subgrade stress level, opens. Distribution condition and functions of the significant changes. Beca
- 答:写不好的情况下我可以给你一篇自己写的。写论文首先准确得体 要求论文题目能准确表达论文内容,恰当反映所研究的范围和深度。 常见毛病是:过于笼统,题不扣文。如:'金属疲劳强度的研究'过于笼统,若改为针对研究的具体对象来命题。效果会好得多。
- 答:参考答案不知李白死没死。
- 答:哥们,这样的问题已经不是知道积分经验值能涵盖的了。